Friday May 10, 2024

Into The Word: "The Seven Signs of John's Gospel" by Neal Pollard

April 19, 2024 - Friday 2:30PM MPR 1 Speaker


Speaker: Neal Pollard


The 7 Signs of John’s Gospel


Purpose statement -  There is no purpose statement more powerful than in the book of John in Jn 20: 30-31

Signs – Those things that display God’s glory

               In John they are those things that point to Jesus as the Son of God

               The sign may do one thing (like a miracle is performed) but all point to God

               Public attestations (done in front of others)


The 7 Signs

  1. Turning water into wine
  2. Healing the nobleman’s son
  3. Healing the lame man
  4. Feeding 5000
  5. Healing the blind man
  6. Raising Lazarus
  7. For the final sign there are many different suggestions ---
    1. Cleansing the temple
    2. Speaking to Nicodemus/serpent raised
    3. Walking on water
    4. Mary anointing Jesus
    5. Triumphal entry
    6. Soldiers thrusting the spear in Jesus’ side
    7. Crucifixion and resurrection – Neal’s choice because all other signs lead to this
    8. Post resurrection appearances

~Signs are the Father bearing witness that Jesus is his son thru his words, actions, and works.



The 7 Signs In detail

  1. Water into wine signifies a new order (Jn 2:1-12). The water was in jars of purification and so Jesus took something from Judaism and made it something new and different (which everyone needed something new).
  2. Cleansing of the temple signifies a new authority (Jn 2:13-25) Establishes Jesus’s authority repeatedly.
  3. Healing the Nobleman’s son signifies new life (Jn 4:46-54) This is the first time we see faith without the immediacy of sight.
  4. Healing of the lame man signifies new judgement (Jn 5:1-9) Here is an indication of sin. V14 – not necessarily that it caused his ailment but that he needed to turn from sin because there are things worse than being lame)
  5. Feeding of the 5000 signifies new sustenance (Jn 6:1-5) Bread of life Jn 6:51
  6. Healing of the blind man signifies new sight Jn 9. Neighbors, pharisees, parents, and man born blind. The physically blind could see spiritually. The others were spiritually blind.
  7. Raising Lazarus signifies a new resurrection


There is a steady march to Calvary with signs. Jn Ch 20:30-31  The signs were significant enough that those who were disposed to believe would.


Ultimate Sign – The Resurrection




Duration 40:06

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